Sunday, September 22, 2013

An Introduction

Greetings, and welcome to my blog.  Here you will find a personal selection of music albums from the past, alongside information on what media the music lives on today.  In this digital age of music, nearly anything can be listened to in just a few clicks through the use of the internet  With this ease of access, there was seemingly no reason for physical media such as cassettes, vinyl records, and even CDs.  After this decline however, physical media has seen a bit of an increase in popularity, even more so in the form of vinyl records.  The reason behind the recent surge of popularity is up to debate; whether it be an increase of audible quality, or the desire to have some tangible form of the album.  Along with this, many older music albums have seen reissues and are again available for purchase in all sorts of physical media.  Some albums are not so lucky.  An unfortunate amount of music has gone out of print in the form of vinyl records.  Some albums have been so heavily modified through the years that it is uncertain what the definitive version is.

This blog is to serve as a guide as to where and how this music can be found today; whether something freely and easily available to anyone with the slightest interest or a valuable rarity in the music world.  Though definitive versions are up for debate, I will give my informed opinion on the matter.


  1. Interesting post, I hope to see some interesting articles!

  2. I once had many vinyl albums. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is the one that I probably played the most.

  3. I love this blog! My children don't even know what a vinyl album is and my daughter has not seen a cassette tape in her life. Music runs in my family, I'm sure I will find something on your blog to pass down to my children and grandchildren. Thanks!

    1. It is understandable that they would know little about vinyl records and cassette tapes. Analogue media is often seen as impractical and imperfect, being almost completely phased out during the popularity of CDs. There is certainly a charm to it though, but it seems that the "experience" of music listening has taken a back seat to accessibility and convenience.

  4. I love music, so I will definitely be checking in with your blog to see what is next on the list. Like Trina, my daughter and Grandson have no idea what a vinyl album is. I loved music so much that I once had over 4,000 albums (vinyl). Unfortunately, they were stolen from my home when we were robbed. I had a variety of music, as my music interest is so vast and open. I can't wait to see what is next!

    1. Wow Karel, that was a lot of albums you had. That is a shame when people can't keep their hands off things that are not theirs and you lose things that are not replaceable.

    2. That is an impressive collection! Sad to hear that it is now long gone. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some pricey records in that group. It seems that many people that once had a large record collection and got rid of it (either by giving away or by selling) during the rise of CDs seem to have regrets about it. As someone heavily into collecting, it saddens me to hear that your collection has left your possession on such terms.
