Monday, December 2, 2013

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the concept of a version of the web where ideas and content between web users are connected through the use of web assistants. This would be made possible through the use of user preferences and user history while using said web assistants. It can loosely be referred to as artificial intelligence, where an application or process functions with little to no user input. Where Web 2.0 linked people with content, Web 3.0 would connect people and content through the use of complex algorithms, streamlining the process of Web 2.0. By analyzing common user content and processes, a web assistant can turn that into meaningful information that can then be used to later automate similar processes on behalf of the user. This is not to be confused with “auto-fill” features common in browsers today. Those simply take the exact details that you have previously entered and re-enter them into fields that contain the same labeling as previously entered fields. While Web 3.0 does keep track of user details, it works actively to turn that information into intelligent functions. Web 3.0 search engines would be able to differentiate between like words, filtering out unwanted search results and providing exactly what the end user is after. Instead of looking at character inputs as hard data, keywords could be expanded upon by analyzing the meaning of the word through the use of a living vocabulary on the web. Logical links are created between data to identify search needs to the particular end user. With intelligent searching in mind, databases must acclimate to the new method of searching through the use of the same vocabulary specific to the web assistant of the user. All of this in mind, Web 3.0 can be thought of as a living informational environment where documents and files are shared and respective data is created to expand upon that. Processes are created in real-time and promptly executed to the unique situation at hand in a manner that takes into account the user themselves. Further information can be found at the W3E Semantic Web webpage: